Favorites meal

I have a lot of favorites meal! I think i couldn't decide my favorit, but i really like the freanch chips, i think i could eat them everyday.
Also i like a lot the seafood, the shrimps was my favorite! And if you mix them with pastas you will have a very good dish.
The lasagna is other of my favorites meals. I love eat it when i go to my house because i think there taste better!
Another of my favorites foods was the pizza but with pineapple! I know the moste people dosen't like it but i love it! I tried it not long ago and i fell in love.

After all i think my favorite food will me always the one they prepare in my house. When i came to live alone in Santiago i realized that i missed that. 
As much as I try to cook, the food never stays the same, something always burns! And that's so painful. 
So everytime i go home i try to really enjoy the lunch and the dinner.


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