Some favorites movies

Today im gonna post about some favorites movies that i has.
I had a lot of favorites movies and film directors.馃幀

My favorite movie in the life is "Inglorius Bastards" by Quentin Tarantino, i think its a very intelligent movie and very sarcastic and funny in some scenes, also is a movie that has a lot of history so this make it more intresting.
Another film i like a lot is "Kill Bill" by the same director, the job of Uma Thurman is amazing and the fight scenes are very good! Also the blood was very realistic and the movie has a lot.
The history i think is very cool and i never seen nothing like that in another movie.
Another film director that i like a lot is David Fincher, he has a very good and recommendable movies like the classic "Fight Club", "Seven", "Gone girl" or "The girl with the dragon tatto".
The last one is a remake of the swedish version of the Saga Millenium, but is very good too. 
"No contry for old man" is another of my favorites films, this is by Brothers Coen and the performance of Javier Bardem i think is spectacular!! and the history of the movie is very intresting.
Another movie i like a lot and i could see a lot of times is "Until till the Dask", i know is a movie more ridicolous but i love it! I laught every time i seen , and my favorite scene (SPOILER ALERT!) is when the vampires come out and they start to eat the people in the bar.

"Yellow Submarine" by The Beatles is another movie i like a lot and i'v seen so many times that i know it by memory. I think it was the first movie i seen in my life, when i was like 3 years my parents put that in the TV, we had a VHS and i think we still have it.
I think this movie is the perfect combination of music and animations, the draws are very beautiful and the history too! Its a movie that i recommend everytime to friends.

In conclusion i like a lot the "seventh art" and i could watch movies for the reast of my life everyday. Its one of my hobbies and i think its cool when you think you've seen everything, always appears something you didin't know! so you can learn about always. 馃挋


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