Hi everyone!
Today im gonna talk for something very special in my life, my DOGS.
I have three dogs, Arturo, Koda and Puppies.
Puppies is the oldest dog, he has nine years but he still young! Is a Fox Terrier and he arrive to the hous in year 2009. Is a small dog and his all white except the half of the face and the tail that was black.
He has their character and sometimes he bites a lot but he is very friendly and we love him a lot!
Koda is the medium dog and he is half blood, he is all black and their face is very cute! He loves the snuggles and stay in the house all the day or in the bed. Is a very lazy dog but is very carer too.
We adopted Koda in the year 2015 and we totally love him.
Arturo is the biggest dog in the house, is a German Shepherd and its so kind! It's very beautiful dog and very soft! You can huge him and you will feel protected. I love sleep with him because he dosen't move so much so we sleep all night.
Arturo arrived the house in year 2014 and we thought it would be a messy but actually he is a very quiet and obedient dog.
In my family the dogs are a very very important part of our lives so we take a lot of care about them and we try to give them the greatest possible love everyday.💓


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