Cartagena de Indias

My last vacations was in Colombia, exactly in Cartagenas de Indias.
I travel with my mom for 7 days and it was very fun! First we take the airplane in Santiago to Lima and then to Colombia. We stay in the airport of Bogota for 9 hours! and it was very very cool, we frozen.
Finally after a long wait we take the plane to Cartagena de Indias. The flight took like two hours and the we are in te city.
The first day we went to the hotel and then we take a walk around the city walled all day.
The buildings are world heritage and they are very beautiful! They were painted in many diferent colors like yellow, red, pink, green, blue and so many others.
The people were very friendly. We make friends of others countrys like Argentina and USA.
The food weas very cheap so you can eat a lot without spending so much.
Cartagena de Indias hace a lot of tourist attractions like the "Castillo de San Felipe" or "The museum of gold", "The museum of chocolate", the famous "Torre del reloj", the "Palacio de la Inquisición" and many sculptures like "La India Catalina", "Los Zapatos Viejos" and a woman sculpture of the artist Fernando Botero.
We stay in Cartagena a few days and then we move to Isla Barú to stay and enjoy the caribean beach.
That part was my favorite, i woke up like seven o clock to take the breakfast and then i go to the beach to take sun all day and enjoy the hot water of the sea.
They were a very good and specials holidays. I really appreciate them a lot and i keep with the best memories with my mom.


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